
Sealed Tender are hereby invited from bonafied & reputed Transport/ Courier agencies for sending various SHG goods/products mainly Tasar, Handloom, Tant, Jamdani, Maslin, Sarees and dress materials, handicraft items and Ghee, different spices & other food products from the office of the undersigned to anywhere in India

Sealed Tender are hereby invited from bonafied & reputed Transport/ Courier agencies for sending various SHG goods/products mainly Tasar, Handloom, Tant, Jamdani, Maslin, Sarees and dress materials, handicraft items and Ghee, different spices & other food products from the office of the undersigned to anywhere in India
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Sealed Tender are hereby invited from bonafied & reputed Transport/ Courier agencies for sending various SHG goods/products mainly Tasar, Handloom, Tant, Jamdani, Maslin, Sarees and dress materials, handicraft items and Ghee, different spices & other food products from the office of the undersigned to anywhere in India

Sealed Tender are hereby invited from bonafied & reputed Transport/ Courier agencies for sending various SHG goods/products mainly Tasar, Handloom, Tant, Jamdani, Maslin, Sarees and dress materials, handicraft items and Ghee, different spices & other food products from the office of the undersigned to anywhere in India

09/08/2024 23/08/2024 View (460 KB)