Social Welfare Department
Name of the Organization:- Social Welfare Section, Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia
i. The particulars of its organization, functions and duties;
Social Welfare Section, Office of the District Magistrate, Nadia, all activities carried out through District Social Welfare Officer under control of Additional District Magistrate(Development), Nadia.
Website :
Telephone Numbers:
03472254798(SW Section),
03472252114(District Child Protection Unit),
9046852180(One Stop Centre),
9474630680(District Child Helpline)
Functions and duties
- Arrangement of payment under DBT Benefit of State Government Social Security Schemes: Lakshmir Bhandar, Widow pension, Manabik pension , Old Age Pension.
- Supervision of activities and arrangement of resources for District Child Protection Unit, Child Welfare Committee, Juvenile Justice Board, Child Care Institutions under Juvenile Justice(Care and Protection) Act 2015 and Guidelines of Mission Vatsalya Scheme.
- Cottage Homes, Old age Homes, Shakti Sadan, One Stop Centre, Child Helpline(toll free number 1098) etc.
- Rehabilitation of children in need of care and protection, old age, widow, infirm and disabled persons at various institutions.
- Take action regarding complaints of injustice against victims of atrocities.
- Arranging awareness campaigns against social evils such as child marriage, human trafficking, drugs, misuse of social media, atrocities against women, children or elderly etc.
- Responsible for various Government schemes such as Deen Dayal Rehabilitation Scheme, National Trust, Swawlamban Scheme for benefit of marginalized women, Benefit to Transgender Persons through Transgender Portal under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment etc.
- Responsible for protection of women from domestic violence through Protection Officer, Family Counselling Centre, One Stop centre for support of Women affected by violence, District Legal Services Authority etc.
- Arrangement of Adoption of children by prospective parents by applying in CARA portal through Specialized Adoption Agency.
- Responsible for Sponsorship (Rehabilitative & Preventive) for orphan or needy children in the age group 0 to 18 years @ Rs. 4000/- per month i) Certificate and Identity Cards to transgender persons.
- Arrangement of Legal Guardianship Certificates to guardians of Mentally Disabled persons. l)Responsible for timely reporting of Tribunal for maintenance and welfare of senior citizens subdivision level and representing the senior citizens at the Appellate Tribunal at District.
- Act as Child Marriage Prevention Officer at District Level.
- Coordination with District Legal Services Authority, POCSO Court, other Courts, Superintendent of Police for matters related to Protection of women and children.
ii. The powers and duties of its officers and employees;
District Social Welfare Officer
- Member Secretary of District Child Protection Society
- Implementing Officer of all Social Welfare related schemes of Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal. POSH, CMPO, TG PROTECTION CELL
District Child Protection Unit under Mission Vatsalya:
Presently Located at Room No. 309, 2nd Floor, Office of the District Magistrate, Krishnanagar, Nadia.
- District Child Protection Officer (DCPO): The District Child Protection Officer (DCPO) functions as the officer in charge of the DCPU and is responsible for carrying out all day to day functions of the DCPU at the district level.
- Protection Officer (Institutional Care): Under the supervision of the DCPO, the Protection Officer (Institutional Care) ensures effective implementation of child protection programs and policies relating to children in need of care and protection at the district and local levels.
- Protection Officer (Non-Institutional Care): Under the supervision of the DCPO, the Protection Officer (Non-Institutional Care) ensures effective implementation of the non-institutional components of Mission Vatsalya relating to sponsorship, foster-care, adoption, after-care and cradle baby scheme.
- Legal cum Probation Officers: Under the supervision of the DCPO, the Legal cum Probation Officer coordinates and supervises all the programs and activities relating to Juveniles in Conflict with law. He also provides support to JJB at district levels.
- Counselor: The Counselor provides counseling services to children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection as well as their parents and families.
- Social Worker : DCPU has two Social Workers(One Male, one Female) who are responsible for coordinating field level activities in their respective cluster of sub-divisions as assigned by the DCPO.
- Outreach Workers : DCPU has two Outreach Workers reporting to Protection Officers and Legal cum Probation Officer. Each Outreach Worker assists their respective Officer in carrying out their roles and responsibilities.
District Child Helpline:
Presently located at 2nd Floor, Office of the District Magistrate, Krishnanagar, Nadia.
Provides 24*7 assistance and support to children and their parents/caregivers.
- Project Coordinator – 01 Responsible for overall supervision and management of Child Helpline Unit at DCPU.
- Counselor – 01 provides counseling services and psycho-social support/Emotional Support and guidance to children coming in contact with CHL Unit.
- Child Helpline Supervisors – 03 Child Helpline Supervisor at district level work as a link between the community and the CHL unit at District and are responsible for taking calls transferred from WCD Control Room at the CHL unit and taking appropriate action
- Case Workers – 03 Case workers assist in the implementation of CHL unit, intervention of cases, awareness activities and outreach programmes.
One Stop Centre under Mission Shakti
Presently located at 2rd Floor, SNCU Building, District Hospital, Nadia.
The One Stop Centre (OSC) scheme is being implemented by the Government across the country since 15th August 2022 in Nadia District to provide integrated support and assistance under one roof to women affected by violence and those in distress, both in private and public spaces. It also provides an integrated range of services including medical aid, legal aid and advice, temporary shelter, police assistance, psycho-social counselling to needy women.
Centre Administrator: Admission, arrangement for safety, counseling and restoration of such women admitted at OSC is responsibility of Centre Administrator.
Case worker : Two case workers provide support to Distressed women as per direction of Centre Administrator.
Data Entry Operators : Two DEOs are entrusted with all computer and Portal related works.
District Social Welfare Officer is the implementing Officer of One Stop Centre
Protection Officer (Domestic Violence)
Family Counselling Centre
Government run Child Care institution (Children Home for Girls’ Nadia)
Located at Nagendranagar 3rd Lane, Krishnanagar, Nadia
Contact Number : 03472252479
Responsibility of Staff as directed vide enclosed Memo No:1373(14)/CRT Date: 08.09.2021 of Director, Child Rights & Trafficking, West Bengal. (Annexure i )
iii. The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability;
Social Welfare Section
District Magistrate & Chairperson DCPU→Additional District Magistrate(Development)→ District Social Welfare Officer→Upper Division Clerk
District Child Protection Unit
District Magistrate & Chairperson DCPU→Additional District Magistrate(Development)→ District Social Welfare Officer→ District Child Protection Officer
One Stop Centre
District Magistrate & Chairperson DCPU→dditional District Magistrate(Development)→ District Social Welfare Officer→Centre Administrator(OSC)
Child Helpline
District Magistrate & Chairperson DCPU→Additional District Magistrate(Development)→ District Social Welfare Officer→ District Child Protection Officer→Project Coordinator, CHL
Government Run Home
District Magistrate & Chairperson DCPU→ Additional District Magistrate(Development)→ District Social Welfare Officer→ Superintendent, Government run Home
iv. The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions;
District Child Protection Unit under Mission Vatsalya:
One Stop Centre
Child Helpline
Government Run Home
v. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used its employees for discharging its functions;
Rules and regulations available electronically:
One Stop Centre
Child Helpline
Government Run Home
Transgender Certificate related
Legal Guardianship related
3399-WCD, Dt.30.7.21-Notification of Lakshmir Bhandar Scheme
Other miscellaneous matters related to activities at Department of Woman and Child Development and Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal
vi. A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control;
At District Child Protection Unit:
Files maintained by District Child Protection Officer
- Appraisal file of the Staff of DCPU
- Correspondence with DCRT, NCPCR and WPCPCR
- Correspondence for prevention of child marriage
- Monitoring and Supervising of CHL
- Adoption process
- Public Grievance
- Communication with other stakeholder and CCIs
- Recruitment process
- Administrative file related with DCPU
List of files maintained by Protection Officer (Non Institutional Care);
1.Sponsership and Foster Care Related
2.Cottage Home Admission
- Adoption related
- Recruitment at CCIs
- Awareness Programs on Child Protection
- Maintenance of Corpus fund at DCPU and SAA
Files maintained by Legal Cum Protection Officer, DCPU
- Field visit for CCL boys & girls house for SIR (Social Investigation Report )
- Follow up for CCL boys & girls.
- Counseling support to CCL boy & girls.
- Initiation & participation in repatriation process.
- JJB staff renewal files.
- Monthly POCSO case repots
- Communicate with DLSA, CWC for POCSO victim compensation
Types of files maintained by Protection Officer (Institutional Care)
1.Annual Maintenance of CHG, Nadia by PWD Social Sector
2.Meeting with the Child Welfare Committee to address Child Protection issues.
3.Monthly & Quarterly Reports of CWC, Nadia
4.License and registration Renewal of CCIs and NGOs
5.Documents regarding restoration of CCI inmates
7.Escape and Death of Inmates of CCIs
8.Implementation of JJ Act
9.SIR request to other District & State
10. Inspection of CCIs.
Types of registers/files maintained at OSC 1) Admission and release of inmates 2) Administrative and expenses file 3) Bill for purchases 4) Requirement of fund and reports 5) Individual Case file 6) Employee personal file |
Type of Files & Registers maintained by CHG, Nadia
- Financial transaction through IFMS – Cash Book, Allotment Register, Cheque Register, Transit Register.
- Stock Register (Diet, Bedding Clothing, Napkin, Shampoo etc.).
- Inmate’s Attendance Register and Seizure List Register for inmate’s.
- Inmate’s Case Reference Register.
- Inspection Register.
- Dead Stock Register.
- Doctor’s visit register.
- Children’s committee and Home Management Committee register.
- Gate Register.
- Children and Staff Movement Register.
- Tender Register.
- GPF Ledger of Group-D.
- Permanent staff attendance register.
- Contractual Staff attendance register.
- Daily Diet Register.
- Master Attandence-Discharge
- Duty Handover- makeover
- Case history
- POCSO Victim
- Security Attendance
- Cooking staff’s Attendance
Files :-
- Staff particular file.
- Received Govt. order file.
- Repatriation file.
- Schooling and Vocational Training file.
- Registration and Licence File.
- Retail Management File.
- Stock Entry File.
- Income Tax File.
- Correspondence File.
- FCI ( for rice) file.
- Adoption file.
Personal file of All staff
vii. The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy of implementation thereof;
Not applicable
viii. A statement of the boards councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public;
- Monitoring committee of DCPU (Mission Vatsalya Guidelines page 15)
- Child Welfare Committee (Enclosed Annexure ii )
- Juvenile Justice Board(Enclosed Annexure iii )
- Transgender Protection Cell (Enclosed Annexure iv )
- District Level Committee on Disabilities
(Enclosed Annexure v )
- Adoption Committee (Adoption Regulation 2022 page 1)
- District Level Selection Committee for selection of contractual staff at DCPU, JJB and CCIs (Enclosed Annexure vi )
- Local Purchase Committee(Enclosed Annexure vii )
- Local Committee under National Trust(Enclosed Annexure viii )
- Local Complaints Committee and Internal Complaints Committee under Protection of Women under Sexual Harassment Act (Enclosed Annexure ix )
- Monitoring Committee of Shakti Sadan(Enclosed Annexure x )
These meetings and their minutes are not open to public.
ix. A directory of its officers and employees;
Social Welfare Section
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
1. |
Shamita Bhattacharjee |
District Social Welfare Officer |
8710031943 |
2 |
Koushik Das Poddar |
Upper Division Clerk |
7278984132 |
3 |
Santwana Sarkar |
Daily Rate Worker |
5809034829 |
Protection Officer(Domestic Violence)
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
01 |
Arup Pal |
PO(DV) |
7044624365 |
District Child Protection Unit
SL |
1 |
Anindya Das |
9475696597 |
2 |
Prajna Paromita Choudhuri |
9434639035 |
3 |
Jakir Hossain Mollick |
9732642452 |
4 |
Bablu Halder |
9933052027 |
5 |
Sahana Basu Ghosh |
Counsellor |
8583960781 |
6 |
Khokon Debnath |
Data Analyst |
9732617159 |
7 |
Moni Krishna Pal |
Accountant |
9046332599 |
8 |
Aparesh Kar |
Social Worker |
7001544212 |
9 |
Pritilata Mandal |
Social Worker |
7478271336 |
10 |
Sourav Kundu |
9851364785 |
11 |
Raja Dey |
Out Reach worker |
9126309299 |
12 |
Dibakar Hazra |
Out Reach worker |
9002124792 |
13 |
Sourav Maitra |
9002843804 |
14 |
Antareep Chattopadhaya |
7076447039 |
One Stop Centre Nadia
SL No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact No. |
1 |
Aliviya Ghosh |
Centre Administrator |
8972401476 |
2 |
Manimala Biswas |
Case Worker |
8371909099 |
3 |
Anuska Shil |
Case Worker |
9134736517 |
4 |
Sonamoni Dutta |
Data Entry Operator |
8967507921 |
5 |
Sharmistha Das |
Data Entry Operator |
9126388713 |
Child Helpline Nadia
SL No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
1 |
Debabrata Karmakar |
Project Coordinator |
7797237920 |
2 |
Nabanita Dey |
Counsellor |
7908334520 |
3 |
Asish Sarkar |
Supervisor |
8926097461 |
4 |
Alima Khatun |
Supervisor |
9735276223 |
5 |
Swapna Mondal |
Supervisor |
6294510446 |
6 |
Suvendu Sarkar |
Case Worker |
9064401849 |
7 |
Saleman Shekh |
Case Worker |
8637559746 |
8 |
Suparna Biswas |
Case Worker |
7407110688 |
Children Home for Girls Nadia
Govt. Staff details at CHG, Nadia
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
01 |
Ambika Singha |
Cook |
943484243 |
02 |
Usha Das |
Attendant |
8334966120 |
Mission Vatsalya staff details at CHG, Nadia
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
01 |
Sucheta Mondal |
Officer-in-Charge |
9830130447 |
02 |
Puja Nandi |
Child Welfare Officer |
8777695108 |
03 |
Aparna Modak Bhattacharya |
Accountant cum Storekeeper |
7551080742 |
04 |
Sonali Bala |
House Mother |
6296957424 |
05 |
Jharna Dutta Bhattacharya |
House Keeper |
8420525119 |
06 |
Palanjana Sarkar |
Paramedical Staff |
8101625424 |
x. The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations;
Social Welfare Section
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
1. |
Shamita Bhattacharjee |
District Social Welfare Officer |
8710031943 |
97902 |
2 |
Koushik Das Poddar |
Upper Division Clerk |
7278984132 |
50400 |
3 |
Santwana Sarkar |
Daily Rate Worker |
5809034829 |
30000 |
4 |
Sanat Nandi |
Daily Rate Worker |
8116436562 |
30000 |
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
01 |
Arup Pal |
PO(DV) |
7044624365 |
35000/- |
SL |
1 |
Anindya Das |
9475696597 |
46704 |
2 |
Prajna Paromita Choudhuri |
9434639035 |
29497 |
3 |
Jakir Hossain Mollick |
9732642452 |
29497 |
4 |
Bablu Halder |
9933052027 |
29497 |
5 |
Sahana Basu Ghosh |
Counsellor |
8583960781 |
19665 |
6 |
Khokon Debnath |
Data Analyst |
9732617159 |
19665 |
7 |
Moni Krishna Pal |
Accountant |
9046332599 |
19665 |
8 |
Aparesh Kar |
Social Worker |
7001544212 |
19665 |
9 |
Pritilata Mandal |
Social Worker |
7478271336 |
19665 |
10 |
Sourav Kundu |
9851364785 |
14046 |
11 |
Raja Dey |
Out Reach worker |
9126309299 |
12000 |
12 |
Dibakar Hazra |
Out Reach worker |
9002124792 |
12000 |
13 |
Sourav Maitra |
9002843804 |
12641 |
14 |
Antareep Chattopadhaya |
7076447039 |
12000 |
OSC Nadia
SL No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact No. |
Remuneration |
1 |
Aliviya Ghosh |
Centre Administrator |
8972401476 |
Rs.30000/- |
2 |
Manimala Biswas |
Case Worker |
8371909099 |
Rs.15000/- |
3 |
Anuska Shil |
Case Worker |
9134736517 |
Rs.15000/- |
4 |
Sonamoni Dutta |
Data Entry Operator |
8967507921 |
Rs.15328/-(including GST) |
5 |
Sharmistha Das |
Data Entry Operator |
9126388713 |
Rs.15328/-(including GST) |
CHL Nadia
SL No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
Remuneration |
1 |
Debabrata Karmakar |
Project Coordinator |
7797237920 |
Rs.35000.00 |
2 |
Nabanita Dey |
Counsellor |
7908334520 |
Rs.18536.00 |
3 |
Asish Sarkar |
Supervisor |
8926097461 |
Rs.18536.00 |
4 |
Alima Khatun |
Supervisor |
9735276223 |
Rs.18536.00 |
5 |
Swapna Mondal |
Supervisor |
6294510446 |
Rs.18536.00 |
6 |
Suvendu Sarkar |
Case Worker |
9064401849 |
Rs.12000.00 |
7 |
Saleman Shekh |
Case Worker |
8637559746 |
Rs.12000.00 |
8 |
Suparna Biswas |
Case Worker |
7407110688 |
Rs.12000.00 |
CHG Nadia
Govt. Staff details at CHG, Nadia
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
Monthly Remuneration |
01 |
Ambika Singha |
Cook |
943484243 |
49262 |
02 |
Usha Das |
Attendant |
8334966120 |
30992 |
Mission Vatsalya staff details at CHG, Nadia
Sl. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
Monthly Remuneration |
01 |
Sucheta Mondal |
Officer-in-Charge |
9830130447 |
33100 |
02 |
Puja Nandi |
Child Welfare Officer |
8777695108 |
23170 |
03 |
Aparna Modak Bhattacharya |
Accountant cum Storekeeper |
7551080742 |
19665 |
04 |
Sonali Bala |
House Mother |
6296957424 |
14564 |
05 |
Jharna Dutta Bhattacharya |
House Keeper |
8420525119 |
12000 |
06 |
Palanjana Sarkar |
Paramedical Staff |
8101625424 |
12000 |
xi. The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made;
District Child Protection Unit
Sl No. |
Name of Scheme |
Approved Budget |
Allotment Received (Rs.) |
Expenditure (Rs.) |
Balance (Rs.) |
1 |
Rs.1,03,58,452.00 |
Rs.82,38,147.00 |
Rs.81,83,620.00 |
Rs.54,527.00 |
2 |
@Rs. 4000/- Per beneficiary |
Rs.45,12,000.00 |
Rs.33,40,000.00 |
Rs.11,72,000.00 |
3 |
Rs.35,18,000.00 |
Rs.21,57,506.00 |
Rs.19,27,581.00 |
Rs.2,29,925.00 |
4 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
One Stop Centre
SL No. |
Scheme Name |
Approved Budget |
Allotment Received (Rs.) |
Expenditure (Rs.) |
Balance (Rs.) |
1 |
One Stop Centre |
Rs.33,59,600.00 |
Rs.11,13,800.00 |
Rs.11,10,242.00 |
Rs.3,558.00 |
xii. The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programme;
Not Applicable
xiii. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it;
Not Applicable
xiv. Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form;
Rules and regulations available electronically:
One Stop Centre
Child Helpline
Government Run Home
Transgender Certificate related
Legal Guardianship related
Other miscellaneous matters regarding Department of Woman and Child Development and Social Welfare, Government of West Bengal
xv. The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;
Library or Reading Room is not available. Acts and Rules are available through internet.
xvi. The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers;
Name |
Designation |
Contact Number |
Shamita Bhattacharjee |
District Social Welfare Officer & SPIO |
8710031943 |
Jaydeb Sarkar |
Block Welfare Officer, & SAPIO, Santipur Block |
9804102034 |
Satyen Mundari |
Block Welfare Officer, & SAPIO, Chakdah Block |
9647013495 |
Samir Mondol |
Block Welfare Officer, & SAPIO, Krishnagar-II Block |
7718199417 |
Abhijit Das |
Block Welfare Officer, & SAPIO, Tehatta-II |
7063727578 |
Shubhajit Dey |
Block Welfare Officer, & SAPIO, Haringhata |
9618527800 |
Mithun Biswas |
Block Welfare Officer, & SAPIO, Hanskhali |
9332393867 |
xvii. Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year;
Status of RTI application
Sl. No. |
Date of receipt |
Name of the applicant with address |
Nature of application in brief |
Date of Disposal |
Whether 1st appeal preferred |
Date of disposal of first appeal |
1 |
10/05/2024 |
Sanjoy Mondal, Dogachhi, Nadia |
List of Lakshmir Bhandar beneficiaries |
27/05/2024 |
No |
Not applicable |
2 |
26/10/2024 |
Dhananjay Baidya, CCNA, Ranaghat, Nadia |
List of Lakshmir Bhandar beneficiaries |
28/10/2024 |
No |
Not applicable |
3 |
19/11/2024 |
Yogesh Parshad, Punjab |
POCSO Victims |
27/11/2024 |
No |
Not applicable |
4 |
19/11/2024 |
Palak Gujrathi, Haryana |
Data of Children in Conflict with Law |
27/11/2024 |
No |
Not applicable |
5 |
19/11/2024 |
Dr. Priya Mathur, Noida |
Provisions of JJ Act 2015 HAMA |
27/11/2024 |
No |
Not applicable |
6 |
06/11/2024 |
Manas Sarkar |
Regarding activities of CWC |
29/11/2024 |
No |
Not applicable |
7 |
24/12/2204 |
Sagar Roy |
Regarding Social Welfare Pensions |
03/01/2025 |
No |
Not applicable |
8 |
27/01/2025 |
Raju Mistri |
List of Lakshmir Bhandar beneficiaries |
12/02/2025 |
No |
Not applicable |